Become a Sponsor

Mission Bay Tennis is a busy and thriving club located just one block from the beach, shops and restaurants in the popular suburb of Mission Bay.

With around 300 members, the club is visited by players along with their friends and family from other clubs all over Auckland that play against Mission Bay’s. Visitors also include players in regular regional tennis competitions and events hosted by the club.

The clubhouse that overlooks the courts is used regularly for external functions such as birthday and anniversary celebrations. There is also a well-used public footpath that runs between the courts leading to the beach and shops.

Sponsorship Packages

Bronze Package
– Sign on court net, approx. 0.4 x 0.3 m, double sided, printed on vinyl
– Logo and company details on all club newsletters and website

Silver Package
– Sign on court fence 1.5m x 1.5m printed on vinyl, two options:
Single sided – viewable from inside or outside (car park or footpath) the courts
Double sided – viewable from both inside and outside the courts
– Logo and company details on all club newsletters and website
– Advertising of special deals through newsletter

Gold Package
– Windbreak on court fence printed with company info / logo, approx. 11m x 1.8 m
– Logo and company details on all club newsletters and website
– Advertising of special deals through newsletter

For all sponsorship enquiries please contact Stephen

Stephen Coulthard
MBTC Sponsorship Manager
Ph 021 856 582 E-mail: