Singles Club Champs March 19th & April 2nd

Did you miss Singles Club Champs last year? Us too!

Once again we’ll be holding our Singles Club Champs over 2 Sundays (March 19 and April 2 for semis/finals), allowing for a rain-off day in between if needed. 

Sign up here or see website for more details – entry deadline is Sunday March 12.

We’d love to have as many entries as possible – we’ll aim for both A and B grades so all abilities welcome to have a go! You’ll be guaranteed at least 2 matches. 

It’ll be a great way to wrap up the summer interclub season, let the competition begin!

See you there,

Join the monthly challenge

The Monthly Challenge is an excellent opportunity to play and meet other people in the club!

Important: the current monthly challenge players will be registered in the following monthly challenge. If you are one of them and wish to have a break, please email me to opt out.


  • Groups of players are determined by national rankings, past results, or the coordinator’s discretion.
  • The number of players in each group may vary but typically include 3-5 players.
  • Players should try to play with each player in their groups.
  • Players arrange matches between themselves.
  • Players supply their tennis balls.
  • Players decide on the scoring format, i.e. best of 3 full sets or a super tiebreaker instead of 3rd set.
  • Winners of the pools are announced monthly.
  • Winners move up, last placed in groups move down.
  • 12yo+ Juniors are welcome.
  • Historically, we ran the monthly challenge for singles. Please, reply if you are interested in doubles, and we will be happy to arrange them should we have enough numbers.


PleaseĀ e-mail us at to join