Purchase 75th Jubilee Tickets

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It’s our 75th Jubilee and we would like to invite you to join us to celebrate with us. Enjoy an evening of great conversations, stories of past times. To purchase tickets or view options available scroll down.

The evening will be starting at 6pm. Enjoy some canapes, some walk & fork nibbles followed by some delicious platters. Seating will be available for those who prefer to sit while mingling. We will have an open bar until 7:30pm (or until the tab is used up) & live music until closing.

75th Jubilee Zip Hoodies are printed with the MBTC Jubilee logo and are only $65 when purchased with a ticket. Available in black and grey in all sizes. We will be in touch to organise sizing and colour preference once purchased. View pictures of hoodies at bottom of page.

Ticket Options
1+ tickets in full $120pp click here
1+ tickets over 4 monthly payments of $30pp click here
1+ tickets in full $120pp + a hoodie for $65 click here
1+tickets + a hoodie over 4 monthly payments of $47pp click here
1+ 75th Jubilee hoodie/s for $75 click here

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Frank Galantai – Friendly Match Day Sunday 24th March – enter here

To enter click HERE

Frank Galantai was a Mission Bay Tennis Club member of some 40 years. Frank appears on the honours board having won the Men’s Singles title in the 1975/76 season and played in our top interclub teams for many years.

Frank was a huge supporter of the club off the court on and off the court. Frank passed away in November 2017. To honour Franks memory and to thank him for his support and contribution to MBTC we hold the Frank Galantai Tournament. This year we are making this a fun Friendly Doubles Match Day on the Sunday 24th March. We are opening this up to members and non-members, seniors and juniors. We would like to welcome all age ranges and abilities to come and participate, celebrate the joy of tennis and the friendships we make from it!

Teams will be drawn on the day and abilities will be matched with opponents.

Please register if you are keen to play. There are limited spaces available – first come first served.

Members have until the 13th March to sign up before we open it up to the public.
We look forward to a fun afternoon of social tennis!

Rosebowl 2023 (Take 2) – 18 Feb 24

Rosebowl was cancelled due to weather last year so we are having another go. Come an join us on 18th Sunday from 11:30am to participate in our longest running Rosebowl Tournament. Open for all abilities. We look forward to seeing you there!

Keep an eye on social media for weather postponements or any changes.