All posts by Anton Koukine

Want to see Lorde LIVE at Vector Arena for FREE thanks to iHeartRadio NZ? Get down to the Mission Bay Tennis Club on Marua Crescent at 9.45am tomorrow, 1st of September.

Mission Bay Tennis is the only club in Auckland selected and one of 6 nationwide.

See you on Sunday morning!

Overnight thunderstorms and a drizzly morning didn’t stop the Working Bee from going ahead on Sunday – and a great turn out too! The club and grounds look seriously spruced.

Under the leadership of Stephen Coultard, an enthusiastic team chopped, cleaned, painted and tidied.

Perennial chain saw maniac Phil Welch motivated those with anything sharp in their hands – it didn’t take long for the massive bin to be filled with the surrounding forests. Even some of our neighbours lent a helping hand.

The hard work was rewarded with some great muffins, pizza, a Doug Hayr bacon and egg pie – and a generous bar tab from coach John McMahon who was unable to make it.

The US Open starts next Monday so it’s time to register for Tennis NZ’s Big Apple Picker game. This is the latest version of TNZ’s fantasy tennis competition that was a big hit during Wimbledon. Join our members in Mission Bay MOFO’s group. Register now.

What a day. Thanks team for the win. Weather was all over the shop with showers, sunshine, wind and more wind 🙂 We won 4-2 and those 2 losses were very very close ones both in superties. Player of the day goes to Robert Simon who carried Anton in doubles and then played tough singles to win both matches on the day. Most entertaining match was of course Andre’s and now all of Howick will know what “Chop Suey” means. His opponent despite winning in supertie will certainly have nightmares for weeks to come… Thanks Jorge for typical solid performance. Thanks again and sleep well — well deserved sleep!

People who participate in tennis three hours per week at moderately vigorous intensity cut their risk of death in half from any cause, according to physician Ralph Paffenbarger of Harvard University School of Public Health. Paffenbarger not only studied over 10,000 people over a period of 20 years in his landmark ‘College Alumni Health Study’, but also finished over 150 marathons over the age of 45. Read more tennis benefits.