All posts by Anton Koukine
Message from Louise Hogarth.
I’m doing the NZ Cancer Society Walking Stars Half Marathon on November 30 to help raise funds.
Like many people, I have lost both family and friends to cancer and see this event as a wonderful way of contributing, albeit in a small way, to the research needed to understand and hopefully cure this awful disease.
Any amount you can spare would be greatly appreciated.
Please click on this link now to donate
Many thanks
Mercy Hospice Auckland Tennis Tournament
Mercy Hospice Auckland Tennis Tournament
Nadal Vs Steffi : The Biggest difference between Men and Women.
Tennis Auckland Survey
Former world number one coming to Auckland
Auckland Junior Champs
Auckland Junior Champs in the coming school holidays – 7th to 11th October . Entries close on Monday night 30th September. Entry fee online $55. Entry fee manual $65.