MBTC News and Upcoming Events

We have had a busy start to the year with the Seniors National Tournament being held over Anniversary weekend and there is alot happening over the next few months so please read below to avoid missing out !
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Sausage Sizzle Club Night Wed 7th Feb

Upcoming Events

Wed 7th Feb Club Night Sausage Sizzle - tonight
Fri 9th Feb Junior Club Night starts for 2024 from 6pm
Sat 10th Feb Hotshots Community Play starts 9:30am
Sun 18th Feb Rosebowl Tournament (rain date Sun 25th Feb)
Sun 10th Mar Singles Seniors Club Champs
Sun 24th Mar Frank Galantai Tournament followed by ....
Singles Seniors Club Champs Finals
Fri nights latefeb/march Junior Champs - dates tbc
Join us this Wednesday at Club Night from 7 pm. Let's make the most of the beautiful weather, enjoy the summer vibes and a sizzling sausage BBQ. Hope to see you there! $2 per sausage and the bar will be open.

Thanks, and farewell to Travis!

Although Travis gave us notice of his resignation from the committee and his role as Club Captain last year we are officially losing him this month to Australia.

Travis came to us from the Waikato in his early twenties and quickly made an impression both on the court and in administration as MBTC Club Captain. He has always been a contributor with an excellent mind and a diversity of thinking. He has excelled in interclub leading our top men’s teams over many years and has won countless MBTC club champ titles with his fearsome left-hand swinging serves.

Travis has spent many hours and late nights behind the scenes putting interclub teams together, managing all interclub players requests and the requirements of the club. He has played an integral part of helping organize tournaments and club champs, being the chief liaison with Tennis Akl around interclub.

In addition to his numerous tennis contributions on and off the court he has also been the clubs #1 Ham calver at Xmas and our main IT support helping with everything from wifi, new computer setups and the transition to Club Spark.

Travis thank you so much for your contribution to MBTC over the years, our members AND the committee have been lucky to have you. We wish you all the best in Australia and hope you will keep in touch. We know we will see you back at MBTC one day ;)!!
Just in case you are worried about the future of MBTC Senior Interclub, - we are very pleased to announce Craig McFall has offered to kindly take this role over.

Note to Interclub Captains

A reminder for Interclub captains to check the new post Xmas grading list for any changes to players rankings which may affect the team playing order.

Club Updates and Notices

Hotshots Community Play is starting back on Saturday 10th Feb at 9:30, this is open to all Juniors, it is free for members and $7.50 for guests.

Junior Club night starts back on Friday 9th February from 6pm, this is a great chance for Junior Interclub players to get some more hitting in with Coach Jono on court from 6-7pm. The bar is open and its a great casual vibe, pizzas are available.

If you are a non-interclub member, you are more than welcome to join club skills, but it may require you adult to be on the court with you depending on your ability - speak to Jono on arrival.

National Masters Tournament 27th-31st Jan

MBTC was one of five clubs hosting the National Masters tournament over Anniversary weekend. After lots of preparation on the grounds and rooms the club looked amazing inside and out.

Over the three days we hosted 45+ mens singles, 50+ mens singles & doubles, 45+ mixed doubles and 30+ womens singles.

We had a great show out of MBTC members across the five clubs and we would like to congratulate ALL the winners. Special mention to the following:

Craig McFall & Delwyn Guilford - 1st XD 55
Mike Clapshaw - 1st MS 55+
Kirsten Dickison - 2nd WS 55+
Phillip O'Neil - 2nd MS 55+
Nicole Campbell & Paula Stubbing - 2nd WD 40+
Philip Buys & Fiona Wikaira - 2nd XD 50+
Jeff Crichton and Julie Knight - 2nd XD 55+
Craig McFall & Phillip O'Neil - 2nd MD55+
We received lots of positive feedback over the weekend about the great vibe at MBTC, the best food out of all the venues and how smoothly the tournament ran. A huge debt of thanks to the organising subcommittee for the planning leading up to the event, ALL the volunteers that gave their time, not just committee members and especially our president Alice Skidmore who spent most, if not all, of her long weekend at the club running the event and Alana Podbielski for her support.

A huge shout out to committee member Nancy Parker for all the gardening work that she has been doing over the last two weeks leading up to the Nationals tournament, thank you very much Nancy. Special thanks also to Ed S, Charlotte W, Tandi K, Mark P, Nick C, Katie H, Lou T and Jan for helping on the BBQ, in the bar and kitchen and to all those that offered to help but weren't needed.

Last but not least a huge thanks to Vaughan and Craig for all the time and effort they put into getting the courts and grounds ready for the weekend.

Remember - If you have some time spare and would like to volunteer at the club there is a list of Jobbies that need doing around the club on a regular basis that is stuck to the glass entrance doors. Any help is much appreciated.

Singles Senior Club Champs

Singles senior champs will be played on the 10th March (raindate 17th) with finals on the 24th Sunday in the afternoon after the Frank Galantai tournament. If we are struck by rain finals will be rescheduled.

This year we aim to do the same as the Doubles Champs with two grades in each division S1-S5 and S6-S12. If we have a large number of entries or if the weather doesn't play ball we may get you to organize some rounds midweek.

Junior Club Champs

This year we are hosting Junior Doubles and Singles champs on Friday nights with finals on a Sunday. Dates are to be confirmed but look out for sign up e-mails and updates on social media. We look forward to all our Interclub Juniors giving it a go and any other willing participants. Depending on numbers we may offer two grades and/or a plate round.

Maintenance Matters!

Court Maintenance
Recent visitors to the club would have noticed the maintenance to court four to "rejuvenate" the surface.

Our contractor returned this week to do some follow-up work which has now been completed, the result is the sand has been topped up and spread evenly across the court.

This past Monday some decompaction work was carried out on courts 1-3. You may notice a little variance for a short while but this will settle down . MBTC prides itself on providing the best quality courts we can. Regular maintenance is key to preserving a good playing surface and extending their lifespan. Enjoy!

Committee Members & Helpers

We are looking for some new committee members to join our fabulous team.

Roles we need people for:
Junior Conveyor
Events Coordinator
Anything and Everything!

In addition to this - helpers to the committee are always needed, if you're not on our current contact list but are keen to get involved please touch base.

If you have a set of skills you think might be useful or just want to get involved, please e-mail president@missionbaytennis.co.nz

Important Club Reminders & Information

Please check the lock up instructions if you are the last to leave the club, we are having windows left open, dishwashers left on and not drained, and alarms not set. We want to keep our clubhouse safe and sound, so please have a read of the sheet on the bar or noticeboard.

If you are leaving the courts and there is no-one else playing, please make sure the court gates are closed.

Did you know our clubrooms are available to hire. If you are interested, please contact us to find for more info.

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