We have had a busy few months down at the club and have lots of events coming up, please take time to read the below to keep in touch with all that is MBTC!

Important Dates to put in your Diary

Wed 12th June Jono farewell at Club night - come along to wish him well from 7pm
Wednesday 3rd July Winter Whites Club night
Saturday 27th July MBTC Bingo (with a dash of Trivia) - tickets now available
Sunday 8th Sept Love Tennis
Saturday 2nd Nov MBTC 75th Jubilee - invitations coming out soon
Sunday 3rd Nov Jubilee Rosebowl Tournament

75th Jubilee update

We have had a busy team working on putting together a fabulous night planned to celebrate our 75th year! Please put the 2nd of November in your diaries and keep a watch out for invitations that will be sent out in next week!

Thanks to our fabulous and loyal sponsor Tonkin Financial Services.
If you are interested in sponsoring this event with Tonkin Financial Services, please contact us.

Parnell vs MBTC

This coming Sunday we have our annual Parnell vs MBTC tournament, hosted this year by Parnell. Last year MBTC took the trophy home so we are looking to defend our title!

Arrival time 9:30am with start time of 10:00am. Team consists of 12 males and 12 females. Morning tea and lunch provided. Three x 45 min matches, one of which is mixed doubles.

If you are interested in taking part and joining the team please let us know. All supporters are welcome and encouraged to come along and cheer for MBTC.

Junior Interclub Summer Interclub Wrap Up

This summer we had 5 Junior Interclub teams entered. For a lot of these Juniors it was their first time playing Interclub and we would like to congratulate them ALL on their amazing attitudes and the way they conducted themselves on the court.

Special congratulations goes to the Boys 14's Sunday Section 2 who came top of their grade in the pre-Xmas and post-Xmas competition! The team consisted of Jacob Crichton, Conall Scott, Sam Clayton, Noah McKenzie and Arlo Pell. Well done boys!

MBTC Junior Interclub Teams 2023/2024
Boys 12s - Saturday - Section 2
Boys 14s - Sunday - Section 2
Boys 14s - Sunday - Section 4
Girls 18's - Sunday
Girls 12's - Sunday

We will start to put summer teams together in term 3. If you have any questions about junior interclub contact us and someone from the Junior Sub Committee will be in touch.

Huge thanks to all the team captains and parents who helped this year and special thanks to our AMAZING Junior Sub Committee - Amy Crichton, Sandra Lawton, Dylan Pell for all their hard work & welcome to our most recent member Kate Tulp.

Senior Interclub

Big congrats all our 2024 Summer Interclub Teams this year. Special mention of those teams who placed in the top 3!!
1st Grade Men Section 2- 3rd
1st Grade Women - 3rd
Ferrier Cup - 3rd
Open Men 3 - 3rd =
Midweek Ladies Monday Open 1 - 2nd

Well done to all the remaining teams too!
Caro Bowl Reserve Men - 8th
1st Grade Men Section 1 - 4th
2nd Grade Men Section 2 - 4th
Open Men 7 - 7th
Presidents A - 9th
Open Presidents 1 - 8th
Open Womens 1 - 5th

Thanks to all our amazing team captains who organise teams each week.

Did know you can look up results, where you are playing and your gradings at any time by hopping on tennis.org.nz

Winter Interclub has just started, we have three teams entered this year which is the same as last year. Games are played on a Sunday every weekend in winter as opposed to every alternate weekend is summer, hence the season is shorter.

Summer Interclub - register interest

While we have just started Winter Interclub, the Summer interclub season is always just around the corner. If you are interested in playing for Mission Bay in the upcoming summer season (or have played previously and know you won't be playing this year), please complete the following google form so we can put together the best teams possible this summer and work on filling any gaps if required.

Bingo Night with a touch of Trivia

This year we are bringing you something slightly different to our standard quiz night with a Bingo Night with a touch of Trivia!

Tickets are available to purchase now so please support the club in our biggest fundraiser of the year and grab a ticket. First come - first served as we do usually fill these events up!!

We are selling individual tickets and tables - if you have a group you would like on the same table please e-mail us with BINGO night in the subject line.


If you would like to help with putting this event together, please get in contact as many hands make light work!! We are also looking for items we can auction on the night - even if you have something small to offer we would love to hear from you!

Calimero Challenge

Calimero challenge was played each Tuesday night in May with NO cancellations due to weather - despite the forecasts!. Each evening, we had six teams of four players playing a fast four format with extra rules thrown in to make it more fun. Each week dinner was provided with Calimero providing us pizzas for the first and last week, Eden Noodle Cafe in Eastridge supplied us delicious dumplings and Paula put on her famous Ham on the bone with salad rolls.

Unfortunately, the last night we were rained off the courts. Little did we know one of our new Club Managers - Lara - is a Trivia expert and entertained us all with running a few rounds of Trivia to finish off the night.

Congratulations to Team Martina were the overall winners (photo below).

Huge thanks to Jeremy & Talita from Calimero Pizzas for sponsoring us once again and providing delicious Pizza. Thanks also to everyone that helped put this together - John W, Steve & Lara, Paula I for her ham & Lou for turning up each week to serve you all drinks!

Tennis Balls for

We now have tennis balls available at an excellent price for Mission Bay Tennis Club members. The Kannon Tour balls are manufactured to similar specs as Wilson and Head tennis balls. Get a 4-pack for $15.00. Order now through the link here and we will be in touch to arrange a time for collection.

Tennis Masters Auckland Open Day

On 5th May Tennis Masters Auckland (“TMA”) held its Opening Day at MBTC.

It was a great day of tennis with lots of MBTC members taking part along with visitors from clubs around Auckland. The day was run by the TMA President and MBTC member David Bradshaw. Each participant played a minimum of 3 matches, each consisting of 2 10-point tie breaks. If you’re 30+ and interested in Tennis Masters, you can check out their website www.tennisseniorsauckland.co.nz

Winter Whites Tournament

In the past our Winter Whites tournament is held during Wimbledon on a Sunday afternoon. This year we have decided to run it on a Wednesday Night. More information about the evening will be sent out closer to the time but pop Wed evening, 3rd July in the diary.
Join us on socials for up-to-date info about what's on, any changes and cancellations.
facebook instagram 

Important Club Reminders & Information

LIGHTS : The court lights come on for all evening bookings. If you can't make your booking or cut your booking short for any reason please cancel in ClubSpark so lights aren't left on when noone is playing. It also allows others to use this booking if its peak hours.

GUESTS: Please remember all guests to the courts should be paying a $5 court fee.
We have noticed alot of members are bringing guests but not adding them to your booking. To avoid us having to shoulder tap you and to save the committee time please add them at the time of our booking.
Maintaining the courts are the clubs largest expense and the $5 fee is to make sure everyone using the courts is contributing to wear and tear - not just our members.

CLOSING COURT GATES: If you are leaving and there is noone else playing on your set of courts please close the gates behind you.

Did you know our clubrooms are available to hire. If you are interested, please contact us to find for more info.

Thanks to all our Sponsors

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