Get ready to have a blast on the court – join us for some exciting tennis events in the upcoming months and have a very happy Easter!

Important Dates

SUNDAY 31ST MARCH Easter Sunday - Bar Closed
FRIDAY 5TH APRIL Junior Club Singles Champ Finals from 6pm
SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Last day of Community Hotshots for the season 9:30-10:30am
SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Clubhouse Closed from 6:45 for private function.
MONDAY 8TH APRIL Last day for Tennis Auckland Indoor competition entries
TUESDAY 7th MAY First Tuesday of the Calimero Challenge 6pm
SATURDAY 27th JULY MBTC Famous QUIZ night - save the date
TBC MBTC 75th Jubilee

Welcome to our new Club Managers - Steve and Lara Boyd

We would like to announce our new Club Managers - Steve and Lara Boyd.

You may know Steve and Lara as they have been members of MBTC, along with their daughter Maya - since 2022.Steve and Lara will be learning the ranks over the next few weeks and officially take over on 17th April.

They both come from a multi sport, business and financial background and are bringing with them fresh ideas and a lot of enthusiasm with the ultimate aim of continuing and growing MBTC's success.

We are very excited to have them on board!

Senior Club Champ Singles

We were treated to some great tennis over the tournament. Thanks to everyone who came to support the players and ALL our participants.

Big congrats all our 2024 Club Singles Champs
A grade women’s : Paula Stubbing, runner up Katie Huysmans
A grade men’s: Jack Heslin, runner up Cade Pfeiffer
A grade men’s plate: Howard Ho, runner up Aaron Hansen
B grade men’s: Arnon Haver, runner up Finn Wood
B grade men’s plate: Hugo Handley, runner up Graham Duthie
A grade men’s consolation plate (played earlier): David Suburo

Frank Galantai Match Day

On 24th March we had a small but successful Frank Galantai Match Day welcoming several guests from the surrounding suburbs. Congratulations to Team Roger who came out tops - Erika, Sese, Sophie, John and Angela.

Huge thanks to John Williams for helping run the day.

Winter Indoor Competition - Auckland Tennis

Entries are now open for Tennis Auckland’s term 2 & term 3 winter indoor competitions held at Merton Rd tennis center. This includes:

- Evening Indoor played Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday nights
- Ladies Indoor Doubles played Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday mornings/afternoons.
- Ladies Indoor Singles played Thursday mornings.

For the Evening Indoor Competition entries - due to court availability - there are limited 6.30pm slots and Wednesday is 8pm only, so get in quick.

Contact us for more details. Entries close April 8 for term 2.

Interclub Catch-up Matches

Captains, please remember that all Interclub catch-up matches need to be played by the 15th April.

Midweek Ladies Interclub Team

This term we entered a Midweek Ladies Interclub team who played on a Monday morning in the Open 1 grade. They had a very successful first summer season and even recruited a few new players along the way.

If you are interested in joining a ladies midweek winter team, please contact us at, there are several weekday options available including indoor at Merton Road and an outdoor option. Once we know who is interested, we can choose the best option/s that works for the most people.

If you can't commit to every week but are keen to play let us know, we will try our best to make it work for everyone.

Calimero Challenge

Back by popular demand! This is a fun event to kick off the winter season. All levels of ability are encouraged to join, you will be ranked accordingly for some fun tennis for all levels.

Event Start Date: Tuesday 7th of May 2024
Time: 6pm each week for 4 weeks
Format: 6 Teams of 4 players, social tennis doubles. Teams will be assigned as a mix of Rankings.

Venue: Mission Bay Tennis Club
Cost: $20pp (Member), $25pp (Non-Member), included dinner afterwards
To enter please complete the registration form below
. Any questions e-mail

We can't wait to get this event started!

Mission Bay Tennis Club 75th Jubilee

Did you know that the club is 75 years old this year? We are in the final throes of confirming a date for our 75th Jubilee celebrations - details will be confirmed very soon! If you would like to be kept in touch with all that is Jubilee please send us your details by clicking on the link below.

Tennis NZ Masters

This weekend Christchurch Tennis Masters are hosting a Tennis NZ Masters National teams' event.

We would like to wish our members Craig McFall, Philip Buys, Philip O'Neil, Jeff Crichton and Kirsten Dickinson the best of luck and look forward to hearing the results.
Join us on socials for up-to-date info about what's on, any changes and cancellations.
facebook instagram 

Important Club Reminders & Information

If you are the last to leave the clubrooms its important you read the lockup instructions on the noticeboard to ensure everything has been done.

Please remember all guests to the courts should be paying a $10 court fee.
Maintaining the courts are the clubs largest expense and the $10 fee is to make sure everyone using the courts is contributing to wear and tear - not just our members.

If you are leaving the courts and there is no-one else playing, please make sure the court gates are closed.

Did you know our clubrooms are available to hire. If you are interested, please contact us to find for more info.

Coaching Term 2 with Geoff Beech Tennis and Jono

Thanks to all our Sponsors

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